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Feb 16, 2024

Your engine oil can become thicker during the winter months. But what does this mean for your vehicle’s performance? Getting a Nissan oil change at Barberino Nissan can help— here’s how.

Cold Temperatures and Oil

Cold weather makes your car work harder than it has to in warmer weather. In cold temperatures, an engine’s oil may thicken, which results in the oil moving slower through the engine components. The engine will have to work harder to run, which can decrease efficiency and performance.

This will also affect your vehicle’s battery, which is already weaker in cold weather. Because the oil is thicker, the battery will need to work harder to start your car.

The Importance of a Nissan Oil Change

With cold weather, it’s important to make sure your Nissan vehicle’s oil is changed and ready for the season so that it can perform at optimal efficiency. An oil change is an important routine service that can ensure your vehicle isn’t working harder than it needs to. Regular oil changes save you money in the long run by maintaining efficiency when it comes to normal operating costs and preventing engine wear that can lead to more expensive repairs or maintenance down the road.

If you want to get better oil protection in cold temperatures, you may want to consider switching to a Winter engine oil, which is thinner and therefore can run more efficiently in frigid temperatures. Synthetic or synthetic blend oils also provide additional cold-weather protection.

Schedule Service at Barberino Nissan

It’s easy to schedule an oil change service at Barberino Nissan. Keeping on top of your vehicle’s maintenance is important in cold weather, and our experts provide high-quality service to get you there.